Muqadas Urooj
3 min readApr 27, 2021




As we all understand the police is someone who could prove to be an angle in difficult times, from the origin it is the police that helps to eradicate many of the issues arising in the country and also that is the police who from the first day aims to give each breath for the benefit of his/her nation. But as a famous quote that

“nothing is good unless it is pure”

With the organizational structure and beginning of the state it had been made mandatory that a system must introduce in which everyone is forced to follow the instructions that state could run efficiently but how does this could be accomplished; here comes the concept of police; the peoples who are for us by us with us; the people who protect us; who guide us; who serve us; who help us; who know us; who observe us at every point of society where we dwell;

Police officers have been given some authorities as well like that anyone who do not follows the laws who breaks the rules, who ignore the importance of the state system to run, who spread violence who promote the self-wealth, self-power is to be punished and caught by the police but what could happen if the police officers, employees themselves go wrong here comes the birth of police deviance;

A point that holds for the policing system. the police station the police headquarters are the first place where the victims go for justice they follow a specific path to court. In their mind, it is feed from starting that the police department of any nation is always responsible for its bright future. Nevertheless, the Police department plays a basic role in the eradication of small to big crimes in any state.

But that’s all is just the one side of the picture the other one Is very harsh and heart-broken that police could be any evil, that police could be the reason for people’s death, the police department could be the reason of any country failure in a minor to major war!!!!

and all due to the deviant nature of the police department.

Deviance is an action or behavior that violates the generally accepted norms of a group, organization, or society (Adler, 2005).

According to Barker and Carter, 1986:

Police deviance occurs when law enforcement officers behave in a manner that is “inconsistent with the officer’s legal authority, organizational authority, and standards of ethical conduct”.

Police deviance by definition means

A form of misconduct or deviant behavior by any police officer that involves the misuse of authority just for the sake of personal interest or for others”

Or simply we can conclude that:

“police deviance is much broader team than corruption it includes all malicious activities from people, norms, values, resources, and ethics”


Ø discrimination or can be said as racism

Ø misconduct of police personnel with the people they serve

Ø sexual harassment.

Ø corruption including its level as well as small bribery to disloyalty to the nation.

Ø use of excessive force even on small matters.

Ø use of weapons that are specially restricted.

Ø illegal surveillance.

Some reasons for police deviance are;

1. Lack of supervision and accountability from police officers;

2. Unsatisfied with the amount of income and the expenditures are not being fulfilled.

3. Psychological status

4. Pressure from other officers



Muqadas Urooj
Muqadas Urooj

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