Internet of things means that connecting software, hardware through the internet for the exchange of information.
As the continence of delivery Internet of things is mostly termed as “IOT”. The basic phenomenon is to connected the interrelated devices (ie devices that are too related with each other and their combination could generate something valuable interesting and beneficial for the modern world).
IOT brings a soul in the dead industry if any company wishes to bring persistence, connectivity, best performance automation, and analytic power they apply the principles of IOT and touch the sky limits.
The configuration of Applications.
· The capacity of connection must be enough to handle and connect a large number of different elements.
· There are nothings if the system of connection is not reliable, The connection must show Highly reliability.
· Delays bring dissatisfaction and IOT requires that the data transmission must be with minimum.
· Data flows are part of interconnected networks. IOT network must be able to handle and configure the data flow as much as possible.
What is bring the IOT into existence???
When the internet comes in existing and the development of hardware and software got the high speed the researchers got a new pathway to analyze the things and make a way out to connect the things over the internet later on the foundation of IOT came into existent
The period of 2000 to 20210 time was a golden period for the history of IOT development, Many small and big projects with practical implementations came onboard, It attracted the mind of many large enterprises like Microsoft and apple that were in the blooming stages of their careers.
The miracles of wireless connectivity brought revolutionary concepts and practical implementation into the real life of peoples. Now, it was easy to connect the multiple things get connected and work together to perform a specific task like transfer information over a large distance, and the high speed and bandwidth of the internet played a vital role.
The implementation of the machine to With the development of technologies like M2M machine-to-machine communication and communication over long distance became possible and reliable due the inter of things. IOT enables us to globalized this world the interconnection of things.
: sensors/devices,
Sensor means that part of the electronic device that accepts the input or takes the response from the environment in which it is being used. The sensors can be compelling or too simple. There can be many of the sensors connected to a smart device the functions of sensors are primarily to the work as they are the first and foremost component of the IOT system.
Our mission next to the sensor is to send the information and data to the cloud but how to do this? We will be needed any bridge and the connectivity components serve as the bridge here some of the examples of connectivity components are as below;
Ø cellular
Ø satellite
Ø Wi-Fi
Ø Bluetooth
Ø connecting via a gateway or any router
Ø connecting directly to the internet via Ethernet.
data processing,
The third component is known as processing, its basic work is to perform some specific calculation., analysis, processes, over the data which have come through connectivity, again the working of the component section could be easy or some complete like it can be reading of temperature or the analysis of objects in a computer vision video.
a user interface:
for the easiness of the user, the last component is the user interface, Afterall we are doing such things for the benefits of using the user interface to allow the user to directly use this system.
The architecture of IOT;
1. Device to device (D2D)
It means the connection when 2 smart devices are connected to with each other without any third inter-party enrolment, the connection could be any wireless connection
Few examples are Robots and sensors connected to each-others.
2. Device to the gateway —
The second type is a device to gateway mostly communications are enabled by the smart device called gateways are more powerful computing devices than sensors there are 2 functions of gateways
1.To consolidate data from sensors and route it to the relevant data system;
2. Some problems are found, return them to the device.
Gateway protocols usually handle the computing capabilities, network capacity and reliability, the frequency of data generation, and its quality.
3. Gateway to data systems — This gateway work on how to send the right data to the right data system that suitable and appropriate is to be defined firstly, Its maintain what the data protocol to use what the traffic pattern, traffic frequency, and parallel perpendicular connections, security requirements of the system)
4. Between data systems — In IOT the data systems are the cloud storage the transfer of data between within data centers is managed by data system networks Protocols.
Most Popular Internet of Things Protocols, Standards, and Communication Technologies
MQTT stands for Message Queue Telemetry Transport. This is a lightweight protocol thus mostly operates on the TCP and IP protocols its functionality is to sending required data from sensors to applications or middlewares.
In many smartphone and mobile devices, we have gone through the Bluetooth technology ever wondered that it’s the technology of IOT. The Bluetooth works on a small range of communication which delivers us the advantage of privacy accuracy and handling of personal projects. Bluetooth has been now replaced by the Bluetooth-smart or Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) that is designed to reduce power consumption.
In every house, we may have gone through a wifi router that gave us high-speed internet for multiple devices at a time Wi-Fi is the technology for radio wireless networking of devices. It delivers fast data transmission than Bluetooth. In most cases, it is expected that WIFI technology could be converted into LIFI which means the wireless signals from light.
Cellular technology in the mobile app we mostly came across the high connectivity requirement. The cellular is a sort of IOT technology that enables us to make the use of easy and fastest performance of apps in mobile. Mobile apps can take advantage of cellular communication capabilities like many mobile phones uses the GSM or 3G technology to transferring of fastest data. it can be a perfect solution for projects that send small amounts of information.
Smart home, Eldercare
Organizational applications;
Medical and healthcare system
Transportation systems
Building management
Manufacturing of things in the large industries
Energy management
Environmental monitoring
Battlefield weapons
Highly embedded software and connected weapons to them.
If summarizing and making up a conclusion the IOT is a vast field now many engineers day by day are working over it. It has proved to bring revolutionary changes in the life of a common man., Using high-speed automobiles, high bandwidth internet, full-time connectivity, weather forecasting the fastest manufacturing of things in the factories and the management of buildings, energy production all are some wonderful gifts of the IOT.