From the establishment of modern society in this globalized world, education has got the most superior position in the mind of the parents. According to them an education directly impacts the bright and best future of their child, over time the values and importance of schooling system got much attention when a child born from the 3rd year of his/her birth that child is put into a primary school where he /she learn the world from scratch. It is considered that a school is a 2nd home for the child because in his life after home he spends most of the time in school, But ever wondered what could happen to the child if the same school become the place of misery for that child? yes, it happened and so-called bullying.
The motivation of this research is to analyze the key reasons for bullying in schools. To help and motivate the parents and that child to face and fight against it. The main reason for parents to send their children to school is to make them able to learn from this world and in future, they could prove to be the fruitful countrymen of their nations but due to the bullying children’s self-confidence. self-esteem, self-power is just going to be in waste. After this research paper, we are bringing up some essentials key points for the motivation of victims and survivors (the children, parents, and school management).
This research aims to try to restore the originality of the schools, schools are the means to be the education gateway but bullying and social issues are the major hindrances and challenges for the school management.
1. what is bullying?
2. what are key factors that promote bullying in schools?
3. how to reduce the bullying culture?
4. How did it start?
5. Who is responsible for this culture?
6. How to deal with bullying culture?
7. What are the major flaws that need to be solved?
The objective is to establish a system where the bullying culture just eradicates from scratch. Children at the period of their lives remain away from all the sick issues, depressions, anxieties, and other mental health problems.
In other to achieve the above discuss objectives and aims, we will divide our research paper into sections
Section1: Introduction
Section 2: Literature review
Section3: Presentation of our adopted methodology.
Section 4: Ethical consideration
Section5: the creation of time or time frame of our work to be completed
Section 6: needed resources
Section 7: List of the references used in this research paper
On this subject we are having many kinds of research from the author, researchers and enthusiastic person of different countries some of their valuable contributions are as under
listing below;
(Ttofi, 2012).Ttofi, Maria M., David Farrington, and Freidrich Lӧsel. Their note down in their book “School Bullying as a Predictor of Violence Later in Life:
Tried to analyze the effect of bullying on students after several years in their lives, according to them a search was conducted with the data element from the database of quantity 63 journals 19 electronics databases in which the analysis was based on the 2 factors
I. Preparation and victimization
II. Whether the effect remains constant or not and what other factors are important in studies.
This research is made up of longitudinal research design and some of the important points to be noted here that:
Ø Bulling perpetuation increases the later risk of violence approximately in the range of 6 years by two-third
Ø High quality bulling program should try to promote as much as we can.
Ø Bulling violence and effect can be added to preventing adult violence.
Next, the concept of bullying was discus by Atria, M., Strohmeier, D., & Spiel, C. in the book entitled” the relevance of the school class as the social unit for the prevalence of bullying and victimization.”
The major focus in this research The importance of classroom ranges for bullying and victimization are either neglected or assumed to be constant. At a school-class level, the same level of bullying and victimization are expected, they notice that almost during the research expected that bulling impact constantly no matter what the class range of students is now to prove either this assumption is true or false they conducted a survey in which 1910 pupils from 88 different schools were involved from different class ranges like from 4 to 9. They found tremendous changes in the outcome received after the data analysis the changes were observed from 0% to 54.5%, now these statistics concluded that there are many forms of bullying like, physical or verbal either the measurement of bullying could be either self-assessment or peer nomination other is the frame of references like either this week or this month are major points to be discussed. (Atria, M., Strohmeier, D., & Spiel,, 2007).
The other research to be discussed is of Cook, Clayton, Kirk R. Williams, Nancy G. Guerra, Tia E. Kim, and Shelly Sadek. “Predictors of Bullying and Victimization in Childhood and Adolescence: A Meta-analytic Investigation.” This research tried to analyze the prediction based on three of the bulling group one is called bullies, victims, and bully-victims the age group was considered to be of school age and adolescence like teem agers the method of the research was metadata analytic procedures. The aim was to examine the strength of individual and contextual predictors to identify the ranges of targets of intervention and prevention, the origin was studies conduct in 1970 where bullying cases were at the top.1622 studies have been conducted since then in these studies 152 met the criteria for inclusion. (3. Cook, Clayton, Kirk R. Williams, Nancy G. Guerra, Tia E. Kim, and Shelly Sadek, 2010)
The researchers haven’t stop there, here representing the other search done by Due, Pernille, Juan Merlo,2009. The research was titled “Socioeconomic Inequality in Exposure to Bullying During Adolescence” study design to be chosen was cross-sectional and the motive was to examine how does the different socioeconomic culture of the students subject them to be bullied or prove them to be victims of bullying, statistic, mentioned was an international survey of 162 305 students, their aged 11, 13, and 15 years from samples of 5998 schools in total 35 countries in Europe and North America for the period of 2 years for the 2000–2001 year. The conclusion derived were There is socioeconomic inequality in exposure to bullying among adolescents, leaving children of greater socioeconomic disadvantage at higher risk of victimization. Adolescents who attend schools and live in countries where socioeconomic differences are larger are at higher risk of being bullied. There is socioeconomic inequality in exposure to bullying among adolescents, the greater the socioeconomic disadvantage the higher is the risk of being bullied. Those countries in which the seed of socio-economic culture is the bulling is effectively high. This could be proved by the ratio (odds ratio [OR] = 1.13; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.10, 1.16). (Pernille Due, MD, corresponding author Juan Merlo, MD, Ph.D., Yossi Harel-Fisch, Ph.D., Mogens Trab Damsgaard, Mag scient soc, Bjørn E. Holstein, Mag scient soc, Jørn Hetland, Ph.D., Candace Currie, Ph.D., Saoirse Nic Gabhainn, Ph.D., Margarida Gaspar de Matos, Ph.D., 2009 May).
Although, there have been many types of research in this field and researchers have found in deep knowledge of circumstances like what are the causes how are the things happening how to solve the issues, etc in our perspective we say bullying is a culture which had put its feet from a long time ago, Bullying in schools especially in primary to secondary school is now considered to be a cool trend in which if one student is proactive and superior in any of the ways like superior in the socio-economic way or maybe in having fair color, even superior in good grades, family background, races, religion, region or the nationality like to humiliate, disrespect, hurt physically or verbally other students who are inferior to him/her.
Many research has found like what re the mental hazardous of being bullied, why the superior love to promote bullying, how should the teachers and school management perform their duties, why it is promoted but our field of interest is to check that what the ratio of sex that is being bullied much? like either boys or girls are being bullied.